On Sunday we went to Golden Gardens park in Seattle to do maternity pictures with my friend and amazing photographer, Justine. So far I have only seen the teasers on her blog, but I love them SO MUCH! She is also going to be taking pictures at Eva's birth. We had such a great time, and the weather was perfect. They even got me into the ocean in my swimsuit! It was also Ollie's first time to an actual beach, with sand that wasnt in a sandbox. He loved it! Cant wait to go back!
I also had an appointment with our midwife Andrea, last week. Everything still looks good, and baby is REALLY low. They always feel my belly to see what position she is in, and I was informed that the part that I thought was her head, is actually her shoulders! Yikes, she is ready to come out! I am hoping this means a fast labor is coming... :)
Also, Ollie is learning his letters, and I hope to have a video posted of that soon. Its so cute! And he is such a smartie (like his daddy, of course!).
Here are a few of the pictures from Sunday, and the link to the blog if you want to see more!
Its the second post, so you have to scroll down a little.