This little thing is a big deal to me. I have agreed to lease a spot in a little eco-friendly boutique in Michigan, who I have been selling wholesale to for a while now. The hats are flying off the shelf there (thats what they told me), at a price I would have never dared sell them at. I feel like right now, all my efforts to make this a real business are coming together. They will now have TinyToppers hats in stock at all times, and I will have a (small) monthly income! Woohoo! I am so proud of my little hats.
I will be doing strictly organic cotton for this boutique, which just happens to be my favorite. You can get an idea of the shop here:
So..... in honor of needing new tags for my hats with no website on them, I decided it was time for an update. Ben and I (well, mostly Ben of course) have been working on designing an updated look for my tags, etc. I also ordered a similar banner (the horizontal version, which will be the same as the item tags) for my table at the upcoming Bumps and Babies Fair (
Without further ado, the new face of TinyToppers! Love it. Did I mention that my husband does amazing work? Well, he does.
Thanks, Love. You're awesome.