I have a blog!
Wow, its been a while! And we have some news (which most of you already know...), we are buying a house!!
We have been working on it for a few weeks now, and last weekend we officially moved in! There was a lot to do as far as painting, cleaning etc, and some bigger projects like getting appliances for the kitchen and laundry room ( we have a laundry room!!!) and putting shelves in all the closets. There is still a lot of unpacking to do, so pardon the mess. Here are some pictures of a few of the rooms:
Bean helping me take pictures...

Master bedroom, aka the Princess Suite....

Oliver's room....

Kitchen with our new appliances....

Kid's playroom.....

Eva's room....

Eating area/ fireplace... this fireplace goes thru the wall so you can see it on both sides! The family room is on the other side (picture to come)....

Breakfast nook area, still needs a small table, so I put their play kitchen there instead (this is to the side of the kitchen next to the front door)....

More pictures to come once we get more rooms finished. We are loving it! Can't wait to have everyone over for Eva's first birthday!