We had such a wonderful day that I forgot to take many pictures. But here's what I did get:
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas, All.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
I cant wait! I can't wait to spend Christmas Eve with Auntie K, making sugar cookies and watching the dogs play. I can't wait to put out all the gifts once the babies are in bed, and feel the anticipation of their (well, Ollie's) happiness and surprise in the morning! Its gonna be a good one.
Tomorrow we are going to have a "Christmas lunch" with at the Davis', and then on Christmas Day all my side of the family is coming to our house for the gift opening extravaganza. I am mostly excited to see the reactions because I did a lot of handmade gifts, and put a lot of thought into this year.
Last month we had our family pictures by the always lovely Justine of J. Shelton Photography. There are some gorgeous ones and I cant wait to get them up on the walls!
Hope you all have a very merry Christmas, and I'll be back with PHOTOS! after the holiday. Love to all!
And Emily- if you are reading this- I still havent mailed your gifts but I love you guys and hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I MISS YOU!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Home Life
Now that stores are mobbed and crazy, we have been staying home a lot. One day I built Ollie a fort with couch cushions and a blanket, and he added his tunnel. We took pictures and he wanted one with Mama and his truck, so we all posed for the camera, including the truck.
Last night I made a batch of dough to make doughnuts, and finished them up this morning. Soooo good. Here's the recipe if you would like to make some of your own.
I am loving this time of year when I can enjoy my littles and work on holiday projects. Today is also Ben's last day of class for this quarter, and I can barely contain my excitement! Its been a long couple months with him gone from 7:30am to 8:30 pm four days a week. Can't wait for his beak to start and get back to a better schedule.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Now that my hat shop is slowing down, I've had some time to make some things for my own family!
I got some of my own Christmas decor, and we are getting our tree tomorrow. I also made Ollie and Eva's stockings and got them all hung up on the stairs.
Last night I was looking at wreaths online and decided they are way too expensive, and I was going to make my own. So, we took a spur-of-the-moment trip to Michael's and I made a wreath for our door, and a yarn wreath for Kathryn (even though she doesn't know about it yet, hehe. I think they turned out great, and I am pretty proud of them. Nothing like instant gratification!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Oliver says and does the funniest things lately, so I am jotting down a few so I don't forget them.
Today he pretended to shave his face with my deodorant, sound effects and all.
He gave me a kiss at nap time and says "Just for you!"
He likes to watch football on tv and says "Run, run, run...fall down!!!"
He has started calling Eva "little bean" like Ben and I do.
When he thinks something is silly he says, "Oh man, no way!"
When you ask him his name he says Ol-ver Scott Davis. When you ask he Eva's name he says Eva Scott Davis.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Eva's Five Month Pictures
Monday, November 8, 2010
Holiday Eva
Who the heck needs turkey?? I'm ready for Christmastime!
Something about having babies has made me a Christmas fanatic. I just cant wait to share it with them! Also, in preparation for the holidays in the Etsy world (which is now, by the way) I am making holiday style hats as fast as I can.
Sabrina and I are also doing a holiday bazaar at a HUGE church (that Ben and I used to attend before it was so huge), so if you dont hear or see me til after the 20th, that's because I'm making tons and tons of hats.
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