Its still really cold here, but at least it hasnt been raining. Ollie keeps asking to go out and play, so today that's what we did. Rocks, dirt, leaves- what else can a little boy ask for? Oh yes-- a shovel to dig them with! Eva ate her first leaf, and Ollie counted his rocks, telling me "Three rocks, not two!" and "Take a picture of this one, Mommy!" (that was the last picture). He's such a big boy.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Dear Eva,

Tomorrow you will be 8 months old. These have been the fastest 8 months of my life. You are growing and learning so fast! You have two cute little bottom teeth, with two more coming thru on either side of them, and two more on the top. You wave and clap. You smile at everyone, especially your big brother, who you adore. And he every morning, and after every nap he says "Eva!" when he sees you, and runs to you to give kisses and hugs. He says, "Hi Eva, I'm Ollie."
You are crawling, sitting up on your own, eating solid foods. You love sweet potatoes and pears. You are very attached to Mama, and cry if you can't see me, even for a minute. Unless Daddy is home, then you are very content. This morning you learned to climb the stairs! You pull up on everything and love to stand up and hold on to things.
You love to look (and chew on) books, legos, and small pieces of paper that somehow you keep finding, and then I have to take away. You sleep in your own bed now, but I had to take out your beautiful bumpers because you sleep with your face in them. Maybe when you get bigger I will put them back.
You are are so smart and happy. We love you so so much, but please, stop growing so fast!

Monday, January 10, 2011
Eva has been hitting milestones one after the other. She sits up on her own, and got her first tooth. She has started pureed baby foods, but unfortunately is not a fan. She loves to play with Legos and cars.
Ollie got a painting shadowbox project from his Grandpa for Christmas and we had so much fun putting it together! He loves to paint. Its a paint by number, so after I tried to explain that to him, he just painted on the numbers (a little too literal) and then painted over the whole thing :) Its pretty cute. Unless you cant tell, its supposed to be a plane, boat and car and truck.
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